8 Top Tips for Recruiting from home

8 tips on recruiting from home

Building the right team in emerging or turbulent markets can be tough, especially during the current state of play! With self-isolation in full effect across the country, many companies have shifted operations to working from home. However, hiring for essential positions can’t stop just because you’re not physically in the office. If your company is looking to fill positions right now, you will need to adapt your regular hiring plan
That’s why the team at Blume Jobs has put together and will be sharing a “recruitment handbook” over the next few weeks. We want to shed light on the best way to run a successful hiring process from the perspective of Europe’s First Cannabis Recruitment Company.
Before Hiring: Things to think about
- Consider whether you need this hire
Too many times have we seen companies make hires that they didn’t absolutely have to make. Before starting any hiring process, make sure that your business either can’t function without making this hire, or this hire is absolutely necessary to take your business to the next level. Never has this been more important than during these uncertain times.
2. Stay lean
When times are harder and cash flow is less certain, it’s better off staying lean and maximizing all available operational bandwidth than to hire a candidate only to run into unexpected (but not unlikely) cash flow issues down the line, this can often decide the fate of a business.
3. Staying in budget
Do you have the operational budget for this role? If so, how much budget can you assign? Is it enough? What is it worth to your business? How experienced does someone need to be to be able to do what you need, and then how much you’d be willing to compensate someone to achieve it?
4. Establish employment type
If you’ve decided that you absolutely need to make the hire, then it’s always worth considering whether this is a full time position or if this can be done on a project consultancy basis. You don’t want to hire the perfect candidate on a full time contract only to discover that they’ve made themselves redundant once they’ve completed what you’ve asked.
5. Weighing your options
Consultants may be more expensive in the short term, but they can save you a lot of money in the long term. If they’re good, you can always get them back in, and sometimes you can even end up with them coming on board full time.
6. Choosing your networks
Once you’ve considered the previous points and you still believe that a new hire is what your company actually needs. Then it’s time to think about where your candidates are going to come from. Blume always recommends that our clients exhaust their personal network ahead of starting a formal screening process for completely new talent.
7. Navigating networks
We appreciate that when operating in emerging markets, your personal network may not be ideally aligned to fill such positions, by nature, treading new ground can be uncertain. For information on how to navigate new market networks, please get in touch (details below).
8. If in doubt, ask a professional
We urge you to reach out to us with any questions that you may have about hiring during uncertain times and what it means to work in the cannabis industry. We’re more than happy to share our experiences.
Thank you for reading and do follow us for our next instalment, where we will share how to write an engaging and effective job specification.
Please get in contact below.
Email us: info@blumejobs.com